Back-to-school after the summer break is always very busy and yet exciting time for all schools. To add to the excitement, we’re pleased to release the annual ranking of the most popular programs among Masters students from around the world, the 2023 Ranking of Masters Development Programs!
Through the analysis, we observe that the attractiveness of the LDPs
hasn’t quite yet reached the pre-Covid levels, when compared to justin-time hiring roles. This can of course be related to a generational
change and more students pursuing entrepreneurial paths than in the
past. On the other hand, some of the programs have also started
reducing their intake of candidates as well. We look forward to
continuing observing the LDP market and interesting trends that erupt
each year.
We hope this report will help you gain a better understanding of
student interests and trends in the various Leadership Development
Programs. If you are looking for more market intelligence, candidate
insights, or an individual LDP competitiveness, please do reach out!
We hope you enjoy the read of this year’s Ranking!
Download our 2023 Report Search Development Programs (Premium only)